Monday, July 29, 2024

Mobile Bay Real Producers Magazine Article 2021


Mobile Bay Real Producers Magazine 2021

 Being passionate about what you do for a living gives you a sense of belonging and purpose that keeps you satisfied within your career. Amanda Spears, our rising star for the month of September, is a prime example of someone who doesn't work just to pay the bills. Being passionate about real estate drove Amanda to switch career paths when she realized she was not happy with her previous jobs. Once she made the switch, Amanda began giving it her all and enjoyed even the slower days on the job. Starting out by helping to make ads for other agents, keeping herself busy and serving others naturally led Amanda to success.

Read more about Amanda here:

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Rising Star


All the Right Reasons

By Dave Danielson

Doing your work to the best of your ability is rewarding. There’s a definite sense of achievement that comes as part of the process. But when there is a sense of true purpose in your work, it makes your contributions feel even more special.

That’s the way it is for Amanda Spears.

As a REALTOR® with Bellator Real Estate & Development, Amanda achieves excellence for all the right reasons — for those she serves.

“I really enjoy the relationship part of it, and then being able to build those bonds and go on to help their family members,” Amanda says. “I like helping people through the process, especially first-time homebuyers. I like holding their hand and making it a good experience for them.”

Getting Her Start

Amanda earned her real estate license in February 2018. But her story begins with her birth in Birmingham.

“My dad was in the army and we moved to Ft. Hood in Texas when I was 6 years old,” she remembers. “We lived there until I was 14, then moved to Anniston, Alabama when I was a sophomore in high school. In 2004, I moved to Baldwin County.”

Amanda had long thought about a career in real estate, but it took a bit for the timing to be right for her.

“I had two very young children and my husband at the time worked a lot of odd hours and would be gone a lot. So I couldn’t commit to real estate classes,” Amanda says. “At the time there were no online classes, so that wasn’t an option.”

The Time is Right

Through life’s twists and turns, real estate eventually came into view as a solid opportunity.

As she says, “I worked several jobs through time. I wasn’t happy with what I was doing in these other positions and saw an opportunity. In 2017 there were a ton of online learning opportunities, so I started my courses. I got my license and then dove in.”

Eventually, Amanda settled at Bellator Real Estate & Development. She started reaching results through good old-fashioned activity.

“Even when I wasn’t busy, I made myself look busy. I reached out to other agents to put their listing out there. I would do an ad of some type with all the information and then put my information on there with text that explained it was with permission from the listing agent,” Amanda recalls. “I explored a lot of different avenues to try to round up business. I’m always out talking with people and I would mention to them that I’m available to answer questions.”

Driven to Serve

Amanda’s efforts caught traction and then continued building from there — all the while, fueled by her drive to be of service to others.

Her success has been remarkable in a short time in the business. In fact, in 2020, she recorded 31 deals as an individual agent, representing $7.3 million in sales volume.

Recently, Amanda formed her own team — Spears Group Real Estate Associates. In addition to Amanda, there are three other team members.

“It’s been a big undertaking, but we’ve done really well this year. It’s been a learning curve for me since I had been used to flying solo. But it was time for it,” she explains. “It gives me the opportunity to share some of what I’ve learned throughout my process and help them become good agents who can provide good customer service to their clients.”

Wonderful Life

Family is at the heart of life for Amanda. She looks forward to time spent with her children—19-year-old daughter, Emma, who plays tennis at Coastal Alabama Community College on a scholarship; and 17-year-old daughter, Lena, who will be a high school senior this year. Lena is a varsity cheerleader, President of her class, and plays tennis on her high school team.

In Amanda’s free time, she has a passion for time at the beach. In a previous life she also trained horses for a living and has had a very successful barrel-racing career.

“I love it, but I haven’t done it for the past couple of years because I’m trying to build my business. I like to do things at 100 percent,” Amanda says. “I’m very competitive and want to be top of my game at anything I do. My daughter, Lena, also barrel races.”

Giving back is a natural part of life for Amanda. In fact, through her time in barrel racing, she was instrumental in putting together Run for the Gold, a special event that raises funds for families who have children who battle cancer. Before COVID, in 2018 and 2019, the event raised 14,000. The Run for the Gold event is scheduled to come back in September 2022.

When you talk with Amanda, it’s easy to see the love she has for what she does, and who she gets the chance to work with along the way.

As she smiles, “I’m passionate about what I do and my goal is to do the best job possible that I can for them to help them achieve whatever their real estate goals are.”

Truly, Amanda Spears creates success for those around her — for all the right reasons.


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